Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Power of the Holy Spirit

November 16, 2011
“For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
Acts 1:5
     Being baptized with water is an outward symbol and an inward commitment of our renewed relationship with the Lord. I think of it as becoming more serious with our relationship with God, and that every believer should do it. Then there is being baptized with the Holy Spirit. This I have not experienced for myself, but my understanding of it is what Margaret told me. She said, “When we are saved we have an internal understanding and relationship with the Lord, but receiving power from the Holy Spirit has an outward result, meaning God has anointed us to be able to do new things such as speaking in tongues for example.” Some Christians receive the power of the Holy Spirit right when they become saved, and some a few years down the road of their walk with God. It’s not a one-time deal; we progressively need to ask for God to empower us with His Spirit.
     I’m going to talk to Pastor Gennarino and Margaret to gain a better understanding of this doctrine, and then I’m going to start continually praying for the Lord to fill me up with the power of the Holy Spirit.

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